Neck strains, neck muscle pain, sore neck in the morning, blocked shoulders. Sounds familiar? Then you are at the right place.
Download the extension
Install the extension directly to your browser. Anywhere: workplace, home, home office
Select your time
You decide when you are ready to start. Our job is to make it happen.
Start the exercises
In the office, at home, on vacation, at dinner. We design it to help your neck anywhere.
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The neck pain is annoying
Everybody has it all some time in their life. People with stressful office jobs, computer workers, teachers, IT workers, gamers, streamers, massage therapists, and manicurists are at risk
Exercises help
Exercises help it is well known that neck exercises and neck stretches help with neck pain
Our product developed for consistency
Our exercises are short,on point and convenient. They will strengthen your neck and unblock your shoulders
Exercise anywhere
To battle neck pain, you do not need to do a lot of exercises. You need to do it regularly. With HYSS, you can tend to your neck needs anywhere: office, home-office, at home, on vacation, on business trips, on a plane, and so on.
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Follow your progress
HYSS will keep you motivated and interested. That is the main reason exercises fail to help the neck pain. With HYSS-extension, you can follow your progress and will want to do more for your neck!
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Start helping your neck
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